Boushh, Boots and Plans

Didn’t feel very well last night – so I spent a while just laying in bed, watching Law Order and sewing on the rest of the bloodstripes, and picking out that seam on doll Leia I needed to.
I finished both! Hurrah, I guess, LOL.
Before that I did get my Boushh tunic cut out. Somehow one of the front pieces is smaller than it should be, but a little reworking and my mum and I got it all right.

My other pair of boots came – I decided after much consideration that I like them better. So tomorrow they MIGHT get painted, but either way they are getting cut down, boot bracelets attached and lined.

Chase’s new pair of Han boots came, andddddddd… they didn’t fit, either. It does look like they WOULD fit, if he could get his foot past the ankle, so he’s going to take them to a cobbler this weekend and see what they can do.

And in non-Dragoncon news:
We’ll be at Con-Nooga in February, I’m excited about it! And of course at MidSouthcon in March… but then that’ll probably be it until Dragoncon next year, what with the wedding in April and all. We might try to go to Adventurecon.